Counselling is the Ultimate selfcare
Life is a balancing act, isn't it?!
We can often put our own needs to one side and push down our feelings for fear of falling apart. We might be feeling like we need to 'hold it all together' as we have those who rely on us and those we care for, so we stay strong and carry on.
However, if we don't find an outlet to attend to our emotional needs, some parts of our life will begin to suffer, like our mental health, physical health & relationships.
If you feel close to waving the white flag (or perhaps you're already there and want help fast) and you've realised you really need to start prioritising your self care needs then you're in the right place because I set up my business to help people, just like you, get easy access to the support they need during difficult times without having to put their life on hold.
Counselling is the ultimate self care and no it isn't selfish but a way of 'filling up your own cup' so you've got something left to give to others,
So what now? You'll need to decide that you’re ready to start making some changes and that I’m the person to help you.
So, have a look around my website as I explain how it all works and what you can expect (including my fees, which I am upfront about so you know what to expect) and when you’re ready, let me know (by filling out one of the contact forms like the one below) and we can arrange a time to talk in confidence.
I shall look forward to helping you to get that balance in your life so that you feel connected with those you love, strong resilient & ready for whatever life brings!
contact Vicky
Please complete the form below and click the Send button to get in touch with me.